Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Importance of Brainstorming - Getting the Creative Juices Flowing

So here I was brainstorming on what to write my blog entry on this week and I thought about how often I have been brainstorming recently at during my IT rotations. I am currently in week 3 of my 5-week rotation at the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) and loving every second of it. I always thought of myself as a semi-creative person, but have really impressed myself on the quality of all the projects that my partner and I have taken on over these last few weeks.

We have created:

  • Tool Kits for events
  • Multiple pilot programs
  • National Nutrition Month Workplace Wellness Campaign
  • Drafting scripts for a movie series

Over the last 3 weeks Sasha and I are constantly brainstorming and getting out creative juices flowing and adapting them to the projects at hand. I have learned so much and now understand the importance of getting multiple brains with different backgrounds coming together on topics and programs. Everyone within the Marketing and Communications Committee is always brainstorming and we attend at least 1-2 brainstorming meetings every day. I have really adopted an appreciation for everything that comes out of this branch of the USDA. Especially since it all started with a creative idea, which was then built up and revised on the thoughts of others to create an end result of things like the new icon MyPlate.

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